Nickels, Dimes, Quarters- everything is about Change!

Happy New Year to all of you! Last year was the Year of the Rat according to the Chinese calendar while this year is the Year of the Ox. Since I come from Minnesota, land of Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox, this is a good thing!

After breaking out my 2009 appointment book (yes, I still use paper even though I have an iPhone) I decided we needed to mix it up a bit at our office. Like Garfield Monday mornings are not my favorite so Dr. Evelyn and I have moved our office hours up a bit to accomodate you better. Mondays we will be open from 12-5pm. As for the other days, they will remain unchanged.

New for 2009 is Kinesio Taping, a supportive way to tape joints and increase healing. Also, we have just received our private label supply of L-Theanine, an amazing amino acid that produces alpha waves in the brain. These alpha waves produce a relaxed, but alert state of mind. Great for stress relief! And in a few weeks we are receiving a simple yet effect orthodontic splint to help relieve TMJ pain. This is for all of you who not only suffer from TMJ pain but have problems with your neck and trap muscles.

Stay tuned!

Michael Onkels