How to keep your kids healthy this winter
It's that time of your again. Yes, it's almost Christmas and we love celebrating it but I'm actually referring to the time of year when lots of people, especially kids, get sick.
Before becoming a chiropractor, Dr. Evelyn worked for ten years as an respiratory therapist in the ER. Here are a few things she suggests you do for your children this winter to help prevent or end illness.
-Get adjusted! Kids love getting adjusted and it helps stimulate their immune system!
-Use a humidifier at night. With heaters on in winter children's throats dry out and can become sore.
-Try homeopathics for relief. Kids are very sensitive to medication and response very well to homeopathics. Plus they are safe! We offer many at the office.
-Limit sugar. This is good for everyone but especially important for our little ones. Sugar immediately lowers a persons immune system. Remember, bacteria loves sugar!
-Chiropractic care! Did I already mention this? Chiropractic adjustments are amazing for ending ear pain, often assumed to be an ear infection, and sore throats. Just ask our grand-daughter!