Majority of Americans take drugs
Fifty-one percent of insured U.S. residents last year took one or more prescription drugs for chronic diseases, compared with 50% in the previous four years and 47% in 2001, according to a report released last Tuesday by Medco Health Solutions, the AP/Houston Chronicle reports.
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Michael Onkels
Chiropractic and Hypertension
What does chiropractic have to do with blood pressure? Here's an excerpt from a study conducted lasted recently. A special chiropractic adjustment can significantly lower high blood pressure, a placebo-controlled study suggests.
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Michael Onkels
Long live your liver this holiday season!!
This is the time of year when your liver takes quite a bit of abuse. Here are a few ways to help prevent damage to your little old liver. First off, lifestyle habits are the biggest factor in the state of your liver. Alcohol, heavy foods, foods high in saturated fats, and medications play a big role. So here’s a quick rundown of your game plan for the holidays.
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Michael Onkels
Grocery List!
Ok, so many of you have been asking where you can get some of the foods on the New West Diet. Here's a list of some of the food items off the top of my head.
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Michael Onkels
New West Diet
The New West Diet is designed to allow your body to perform at its optimal level. It is amazingly simple yet effective! Read about what foods are unrestricted, allowed with moderate use, and absolutely not allowed in your lifetime!
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Michael Onkels